We present the following list as a resource to learn more about holistic education and living available throughout the world. Click the links to learn more.
- Auroville, a collection of over 100 settlements stewarding 25 km2 of land in south India aspires to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity through the practice of integral yoga.
- Braziers Park is a community-based residential college in Oxfordshire, England founded in 1950 as an educational trust, as a continuing experiment in the advantages and problems of living in a group. Braziers is dedicated to enabling people to find and develop their full potential in all aspects—intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual. The organisation strives to understand more fully our relationships with each other and with nature and society, so that we can co-operate in taking constructive action in the world today.
- The Fellowship for Intentional Communities maintains an international directory of ecovillages, cohousing projects, residential land trusts, communes, student co-ops, urban housing cooperatives, alternative communities, and other projects where people strive to build and create together with a common vision.
- The Findhorn Foundation in Scotland is a spiritual community, ecovillage and an international centre for holistic education, helping to unfold a new human consciousness and create a positive and sustainable future. By living and working together, putting spiritual values into practice, this intentional community seeks to create a positive and sustainable future for humanity and the planet.
- Gaia University is a new degree granting “college without walls” within a larger family of organizations worldwide concerned with the emergence of an ecologically and socially regenerative mainstream culture. Innovative human learning (and unlearning) are seen as the keys to making a transition from our current eco-destructive culture to a fresh, designed culture that is eco-constructive and socially just. Self-directed action learning as Gaia U’s prime learning/un-learning strategy.
- Gaunts House is an educational charity dedicated to Profound Learning—a phrase to describe the way we may consciously reach into the depths of our innermost nature in order to evolve safe, positive, fruitful and loving lives. As well as hosting a year round calendar of events, training courses, day conferences, workshops and private retreats, Gaunts is home to a Community of Profound Learning (CPL), a spiritually based and holistic minded group of free thinkers committed to exploring and supporting the evolution of consciousness.
- Holistic-holidays.com provides links to a couple dozen other Mediterranean Holistic Holiday Centres.
- Network for a New Culture (NFNC), based in the Pacific NorthWest, originally inspired by the German ZEGG ecovillage, seeks to build a sustainable, violence-free culture through exploring intimacy, personal growth, transparency, radical honesty, equality, compassion, sexual freedom, and the power of community. NFNC aspires, through its summer camps and other events, to create a world where we can all be free to come from our hearts, thereby changing our culture from the inside out. NFNC’s programs are designed to help heal the wounds between men and women, between men and men, women and women, the individual and the community, and between the community and the Earth.
- The Ojai Foundation in southern California is an educational retreat center, sanctuary and community dedicated to the Way of Council and rites of passage programs. The Foundation community have been practicing and preaching earth-friendly practices such as alternative energy, “green” building, composting, recycling, Permaculture, and eating wholesome, healthy food for nearly 30 years.
- Schumacher College near Totnes, Devon aims to ask the questions we all struggle to find answers to and to find sound knowledge, intuition and wonder in our search for solutions. Learning at Schumacher is participatory and transformative. The college offers postgraduate courses in holistic science, economics for transition and sustainable horticulture, as well as innovative short courses that focus on sustainability led by international scientists, scholars and activists.
- The ZEGG community was founded in 1991 near Berlin, Germany with the intention to bring together two aspects of change: What does the earth need, what do humans need? With its programs ZEGG offer a space for new experiences in the area of love, community and communication hoping to encourage taking the future into our own hands. ZEGG believe that a new society can only be based on a wide network of multifaceted new models.