• Quad Room (Shared) – €374.50
  • Triple Room (Shared) – €374.50
  • Double Room (Shared) – €469.00
  • Single Room – €563.50
  • Single Tent – €374.50
  • Prices calculated for 7 nights minimum stay

Date & Time Details: Minimum stay is 7 days. We welcome Community Guests during our regular season between 31 May and 10 September.

Cost: €375 per week. We do our best to accommodate Community Guests in a shared quad or triple room in the house, unless they request a tent. Single and shared double rooms are available with a supplementary fee.

Questions: Send us your enquiry.

Community Guest

Flexible Dates

Not interested in attending a workshop? Stay with us as a Community Guest and meet new friends sharing your holistic perspective.

Many of our guests choose to come to Kalikalos Anilio as Community Guests without attending a scheduled workshop. Simply being here in the community living environment can be a fulfilling and transformative experience!

You are more than a guest – you are a community member. You will find yourself collaborating in the rhythms of daily life and adventuring together throughout Pilion. You are welcome to attend our morning staff sharing circles and any of the daily non-workshop activities such as early morning yoga, meditation, tai chi or Qi Qong. We ask you to participate in our Rota System by signing in for about three shifts per week. For example, you could help prepare breakfast or lunch, join the evening cooking team, or help washing up or in the garden. We welcome your support with any of the various tasks that keep our centre functioning.

This amounts to a light and enjoyable 6-7 hours of per week of community service, in the spirit of karma yoga. With the rest of your time you lounge in a hammock, swim at the beach, hike mountain trails, sit around campfires, enjoy the offerings of our Facilitators in Residence and make deep friendships and connections.

To learn more about our philosophy, how we operate and our daily rhythms, please visit our Community Pages.